And that's the truth! 9 moves in 12 years. We are an Air Force family with 4 kids that keep us on the go. Enjoy the latest on Mike, Jesse, Luke, Kaden, Gabe, and Josie. Welcome to the Harmon blog!
I decided to bring Josie to her first Cardinal game and she was a hit! Everyone wanted to hold her. Even people from the neighboring box came over "We just have to see that baby!" Josie was perfect as always and everyone was amazed by that! And all LOVED her Cardinal t-shirt (thanks Becky!) Here was our view from the box, not too bad I have to say:
Sweet, sweet baby! And here are some quick pics from the inside of the box, where they have all all-you-can-eat food and drink selection (hot dogs, brats, all the fixings, chicken strips, brisket, pizza, cookies, veggie tray, popcorn, chips and dip...WOW) There was also a plasma TV in there so you wouldn't miss any of the action as you sat on the leather furniture. Pretty incredible!
My token Dave McKay photo and the boys celebrating their win:
Let's hope the Redbirds can keep up this inspired play for say oh, the next 30 games or so!
Fishing in Senegal:
More from Senegal:
Making tortillas in Mexico:
My 3 caballeros and my angel girl (who did indeed sleep all over the world):