And that's the truth! 9 moves in 12 years. We are an Air Force family with 4 kids that keep us on the go. Enjoy the latest on Mike, Jesse, Luke, Kaden, Gabe, and Josie. Welcome to the Harmon blog!
Monday, March 31, 2008
LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(okay--here is the side note for the few of you that read this blog and don't know who Joe is, everyone else--GO AND WATCH THE VIDEO and celebrate with them! I actually don't know Joe, I have never met him, but I do know his wife Laura (link above his) Laura is my age and grew up in church with my cousins. Since I have always gone home to St. Louis for visits I have known Laura since junior high, if not before. In fact most people on my links are special people from the Mid-County Youth Group. I am blessed to know them, they have touched my life in a very special way. Anyways, Laura and Joe's son was born with many medical difficulties and has gone through an unbelievable hard time in his little life. I became addicted to reading Joe's blog and praying for little Ira as so many have. Ira has made leaps and bounds this year already and we all marvel at God's answer to prayer. I promise this family will touch your lives and your heart. Now go, watch that video and cherish the laughter! Praise God!!!)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Flooded Spring Break
On Tuesday my poor Momma was sick and spent half the day in bed and half on the couch. It was pouring outside once again so we Harmons stayed put. On Wednesday there was actually a break in the weather and we headed out to the mall, this was the kiddos first time out of the house since we got there on Friday! The rain kept us in. Wednesday night we met cousin Mel for dinner at our fav Red Robin (YUM!) The kids were so good, we had such a fun time out. On Thursday we just hung out at home again. Luke and I ran some errands and went to see my Granny for a while. And Friday we headed back to OK. I didn't take many pics in STL but here is Luke reading to Aunt LeeAnn and Kaden from my brothers old elementary school reader! He did such a great job (Thad--remember the story of the mouse who eats the cheese and thinks it's the moon?! That's the story he read!) And there's a photo of my sweet girl playing.
Note the MODOT truck in front of me driving more sandbags out there to 'save' the interstate. This is what my backseat looked like:
THANK GOODNESS for the DVD player!!! This is how long it took:
Actually the end was the worst part and so it ended up being 10.5 miles in 1:44 minutes! Yep. That was awesome! This, however, is NOT so awesome. This was the problem. This is coming up on the 141 intersection:
These pics are right west of there. The water is almost to the to top of the doors on one side of the road and on the other you can BARELY see the top of the street signs!And these poor horses. I hope this place ended up coming through all of this flooding okay!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
My first ever
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Easter Dress!!
We spent Easter afternoon and evening over at our best friend's house and here are the boys during there outdoor egg hunt, they were crazy excited!
Remember that great big Josie-smile I referred to above? Well, here it is. We found the hat going through our 12 month hand-me-down clothes. Even Michael couldn't stop saying how adorable Josie looked in this!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Hoppy Easter!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Luke's first and last game (AND seconds)
Here's a pic of poor Kaden-man trying to eat his snack after his game was over. It wasn't too long after this photo that I loaded up Kaden, Gabriel, and Josie and took them to the car to wait for Luke's game to finish. Bless his bones, he was SO cold!
We came home from the games, thawed out a bit and then welcomed Daddy home! The boys got some presents from him (Josie was sleeping at this point). They were thrilled with them, Disney doesn't ever disappoint in this house!
Michael was pretty wiped out but we were SO happy to have him home. Kaden and Luke had games Saturday afternoon at the same time again. I took them and left Daddy with the 2 little ones. Here they are:
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Kaden's Yankee Debut
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Oh yeah....
The weathermen here were freaking out about the 4-8 inches of snow our area would get. It was supposed to start snowing between 7 and 8am today. It is now 6:15pm and there has been not a flake of snow. Maybe it's saving itself for my fam there in STL!!! Hang in there guys!
Waiting for Daddy to come home, waiting for t-ball, and waiting for spring...