---on a side note: it is going to be extremely sad to go through a football season without my honey. I love you and miss you babe!---
And that's the truth! 9 moves in 12 years. We are an Air Force family with 4 kids that keep us on the go. Enjoy the latest on Mike, Jesse, Luke, Kaden, Gabe, and Josie. Welcome to the Harmon blog!
And no, she's not walking yet but we are getting close. She has started walking along the walls so she's not just holding onto to edges to walk. She is pushing around laundry baskets and chairs in order to walk. Josie has even made a falling/dive type step from the ottoman to the couch. We are making progress here! Sooner Start (the program that sends people to your house to work with your kiddos and their developmental delays) is going to come out once every 2 weeks to work with Josie. We start on the 3rd of Sept. I will keep you updated on her progress. And you can bet there will be a video of her walking! Go ahead...watch her again, she is just so darn cute!
Thought it was about time to share my kids' skills. I caught 3 of them on video showing off their stuff. Gabriel starts it off with some dancing at Uncle Thad and Aunt Jackie's wedding, Kaden joins in the fun:
Next we have Kaden reprising his craziness at the wedding reception to one of Aunt Jackie's favs, MJ's Billie Jean:
Josie closes it with Smooth. She was really dancing but her brothers running around kinda upset her groove but she sure is cute to look at!
Aren't they just too fun?! I'll have to post one of Luke soon. I put on my IPOD in the kitchen while I "make" dinner (did you like that honey?!), it's on while we eat, and then I turn it up for clean up time. That is when we get down. GOOD STUFF!!!
By-the-way, my toilet is fixed now. :)
What cute kids are those!!! Next I wanted a picture of my hubby and I. The boys helped with this. Here is Luke's pic: (yes, I cropped a bit...)
Not too shabby. Here is Kaden's try:
Next, was Gabriel's shot:
He tried! Mom made the picture at least! He was so proud of himself.
Michael saying good-bye to the kiddos. I cannot explain to you how precious these hugging pictures are to me. They are such a comfort when Michael is gone. Josie just smiled and laughed at her Daddy, she loves him so.