Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall Break

Last week the boys had their fall break at school. We loaded up and went home to St. Louis! We had a great time seeing my family. My bro flew in from Chicago (where he is working right now---still lives in LA) and we had a blast. It was a short, quick trip but well worth it for all of us! We are so blessed having such an amazing family! Here are some of the highlights from our trip.
Watching cousin Sam play volleyball:

Playing soccer with Uncle Thaddeus:

On Saturday we spent most of the day and night at my Aunt Deb and Uncle Don's house. We had a great family BBQ and lots of football and GuitarHero (those pics to follow soon!) Speaking of football---Mizzou-rah! Another great win over Texas Tech. Way to go Tigers!!
Family fun at the Fitz's:

And I LOVE this photo. It's Aunt Deb and my Momma, sisters with their Grandbaby girls! Awesome!

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Glad you had a great time with your family!