First let me apologize, my Halloween pics are pretty much terrible! I am so angry. My camera must have been on a weird setting or something. Some turned out fine but others were crazy like this:
And last but not least my sweet Josie. My sweet Josie that did NOT want to wear the 'hood' of her costume. When I dressed her, she automatically took it off her head. I asked her to please leave it on for a picture at least and this is the look I got:
"Please Josie, a good picture for Daddy. Look here. Smile! Josie, Josie." I was calling her. This was her response:
Yep, she fell right over. It was almost a fit I think. She wasn't crying, just didn't want any part of a good picture for Daddy I guess.
Time to go outside and get ready to go trick-or-treating. All 4 Happy Harmons:
I have NO idea what Kaden is doing but you're laughing aren't you? Kid cracks me up :)
More photos coming soon!
LOL! You have such funny/sweet kids! so glad I get to be their aunt :)
Gabriel has the best superman smile :)
It was a ghost...duh!!! That was messing up your pictures. And Kaden looks like he's doing a perfect Michael Jackson immitation!!!
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