Tuesday, February 28, 2006

American Illness---Round 2

Hello all. Time for round two of everyone's favorite new game show--American Illness. Kaden and Flash have nothing to report for this round, they might be out. And though Gabriel had a strong, unbeatable first round, he has yet to make a move in round two. Luke and Jesse however, continue with more of the same. Luke threw in a twist and added our first vomiting to the show. He was sick on Saturday. Jesse also got sick again Saturday. She started with a 103 fever and jumped into a sinus infection. After going to the doc Monday, she now has Motrin, an antibiotic, sinus meds, and cough meds. She is making a good showing this round.

Never a dull moment I guess! Luke is fine and has gone to school both Monday and today. I am feeling so much better too. The doc is going to try and help me figure out why I have been sick so often. He thinks maybe it's the stress of being alone with the kiddos and my immune system just can't bounce back as quickly. I am praying that we all stay healthy for our upcoming travels. I'll keep you posted! :)


Anonymous said...

Now that is enough of you kids sharing illness. You all take really good care of each other and get healthy just as quick as you can. Wish I could come down and be with you. But I know you will be on the mend soon. I love you all.

Belva Jean said...

I think Jesse takes the cake this round. Of course Round 3 is the most difficult round to go~who can be perfectly healthy and in a super good mood:) Good luck Jesse (and Luke) I think Kaden and Gabriel might have an edge in round 3:) See you soon...Love you