Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oh, the bath!

Well, I put all three kiddos in the tub together. WOW! I usually just do Luke and Kaden first and then put Gabriel in his own bath. I thought it might be faster this way--I was wrong. It was a little insane. Maybe that's because it was the first time, maybe it's because putting 3 bros in the bath together is nuts! I took this picture and it's not very good, but it is rather funny. Luke looks as if he is suffering, Gabriel looks quite stunned, and Kaden, well, he is just sticking his tongue out at me, isn't he? And look what a different color Gabriel is from the other two, he doesn't yet posses the extreme paleness... So that was our fun for this evening. Yikes! I think I will go back to two baths, at least until Daddy is home to help! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What fun! With Gabriel's skin tone he could match my kiddos :) Are you sure he's yours...