Friday, June 05, 2009

Swim time!

I know, I know. Long time no blog. Sorry about that. I am still recovering from my surgery. Let me get that complaining all done with quickly. I still have good moments and bad moments. This morning at 5:30 I thought about jamming a screwdriver into my ear to get out what feels like a large rubber ball stuck in there. It hurt SO bad. But an hour after I took a codeine it was better and I was able to sleep for another hour or so. I am not nauseous anymore---yay! That is an answered prayer I tell ya! I am taking things easy and I don't want to bend down so cleaning up or any kind of housework is pretty much out. I emptied the dishwasher yesterday and it took a good 30 min or so before my head got 'straightened out' again. That just means Michael's got LOTS of laundry to do this weekend! In fact, his honey-do list is quite long. Hope he can hang in there for me! :) Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, I appreciate them so. Thanks to Belva for helping out with the kiddos while she was here taking her all-important teacher test. And a very special thank you to my Momma who stayed for a week to endure all the craziness around here to help me out. I love you so much Mom. I couldn't have done this without you and you know that! We miss you around here! Love you so!!!!!
Onto my real post---swim lessons! Yes, Aunt Jackie, I enrolled the boys again this year. They are so excited and are in their trunks by 8 in the morning. Our lessons are at 11. Gabriel is in the 3-5 year old class in the kiddy pool, same class as last year and he is doing great! And in case you can't tell--he LOVES his class!!!
Kaden-man is in Level 1 and is doing great. I can hear him laughing no matter where I am at the pool. He loves everything so much. He (of course) cheers for everyone in his class when they do just about anything. "Good job!" "I'm proud of you!" It's too adorable! What a sweet guy.

Luke is in Level 2 and doing just fine. He is a little nervous but everyday gets better and better. His teacher doesn't let him get out of things and Luke will be a full up swimmer when he is done I bet. Luke just gets SO cold in the water. He little body just shivers and shakes. He needs some meat on those bones! Here's some pics of my Josie Claire. She does such a great job while we are there. I am very thankful God blessed me with such a sweet angel. She listens and stays right with me. And she's darn cute!The lessons started on Tuesday while Mom was still here. That is when I took these photos. I know they are not the best but remember I'm on narcotics right now. Plus I could barely stand that long to take all of these! (Each day I am better, promise!) I will take the camera back next week and maybe get some better action shots!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I am so glad you are doing better. I think of you often. Love the swim lessons photos... I missed having your updates for that little while. (I keep thinking I need to update my blog. It's hard not having a computer at home now.)
Love you tons--