Monday, April 03, 2006

Michael ANAKIN would be SOOOOO proud

Luke Thomas is sure one in a million. He is still sick, bless his heart. He was going to bed tonight, to sleep with Mom again, and wanted to watch The Empire Strikes Back. Well, that's enough to make Daddy proud right there, huh?! It got to the end where Vader and Luke are fighting and Luke called me into the room. He said in all seriousness "Why am I fighting Darth Vader when I get bigger?" He cracks me up. I would love to see how his little mind works. I had to share this quote. Michael would have loved it! (And yes, he did hold the mask while watching the movie.)

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

That's pretty funny! I hope all your boys get better. It's not much fun that they have been feeling bad and can't get rid of it. Have fun at the Dr.