Friday, December 01, 2006

Snowed in

The winter storm has made it's way successfully through the Midwest. Michael, in Oklahoma City, was snowed in yesterday and today it is us here in St. Louis. All day yesterday we had freezing rain and sleet until the morning hours when the snow started. All the schools are closed here and no one is going out. Though my poor Mom had to go to work today, ugh! The boys and I are held up inside watching The Polar Express.

It's December 1st already and I can hardly believe that. The first half of the year went SO slow for me with Michael gone, and yet the second half flew by! The boys started their chocolate advent calenders today. Thank you Ms. Heidi for sending them authentic German ones, they are already a huge hit!

And here's a thank you to Michael and Kelly for the effort. Tomorrow is my 29th Happy Birthday and they were going to drive here from OKC to spend the weekend with us. Obviously the weather put a nix on that, but it is the thought that counts and I do appreciate the thought so very much. I love you both!


connie said...

Enjoy your snow. I guess it will be a while until I have a white Christmas again! Happy Birhtday

Anonymous said...

One more reason why I should have kept the Wrangler, then we could have made the drive in about...12 hours :) Oh well...MISS YOU!!! I'm getting ansey for you to be here (probably didn't spell that correctly but I don't care)...LOVE YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I very happy birthday to you. We too are snowed in and braving the cold. Take care sweetheart and have a great day. Love you!