Thursday, August 03, 2006

A new beginning...

At 6:15 this morning, Josh Groban starts singing to me, not a shabby way to wake up even if it is crazy early! Maybe not too early for some people, but for me getting up to wake up my 5 year old for Kindergarten, anything before 7 is TOO early!!! But, there I was. I was quiet as I went in his room, not to wake Kaden-man, and thank goodness I didn't. Luke woke up, stared at me and flashed a HUGE smile. I told him to be very quiet, I grabbed his clothes and we left the room. Luke was SO excited, I could barely get him to eat any breakfast, we settled on yogurt. The bus comes at 6:50---like I said, crazy early, and thank goodness the stop is across the street from our house! My sweet neighbor (10 yrs) said she would walk Luke to his class for me. (that was the only thing I was worried about, the Kindergarteners have to make their own way from the bus to their class in the morning, no one specifically helps them get there!) So, I thanked my neighbor immensely. The bus showed up and Luke ran to be the first one on, no kiss, not even a "bye Mom". So, I guess it's safe to say he wasn't scared of getting on the bus!!!
This afternoon, the bus was over 10 minutes late after school, because Luke and another kiddo were on the wrong bus to start out with---glad they check and re-check these things. But he made it home and more importantly he LOVED every minute of school. He told me all about everything, especially the play park. His hair is still soaking wet from playing outside in this heat! He had a great first day and I am so excited for him. So starts a new chapter he his life, and in mine...

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Yeah Luke!! Glad to hear you had a great day at school! Yeah Mom, for making it through the first day:)