Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Stage presence

Watch out Josh Groban, here comes Kaden-man.

First of all, can you believe that I got this photo? It was just before bed last night and I put on my Josh DVD so that I could relax a little. The boys love watching the song from Polar Express (Believe) because it shows the movie during the song. So then Kaden started singing, which my boys always sing to Josh, but then he went and found something to use as his microphone. He stood by the TV watching and trying to copy what Josh was doing. Hilarious. I am glad I got the camera. I know that Momma and Mel are LOVING this picture. I mean look, they have the same type hair and everything!

Oh yes, Happy Birthday to Melanie! You are the most wonderful person I know. Have a wonderful day and know that you are loved so much!

And on another note, the man came a few minutes ago to fix my phone! Yeah! Another problem solved.


Belva Jean said...

Cute! The hair says it all~watch out Josh:)

connie said...

That is to cute. His first role model!!! Besides his daddy of course :-)