Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Orientation excitement

Luke woke up happy and ready to go!!!
Well, the time has come, Luke Thomas has entered school. Yep, today was the first day of Kindergarten---sort of anyway. Today there was an hour orientation with parents. We met his teacher and helper. They both seemed great. I am sure Luke will have a WONDERFUL time there. This is Luke's teacher's 30th year, so congrats to her! That is awesome. Tomorrow he will go with only half the kids in his class, the other half will go Friday (Luke will be at home), then on Monday they will start altogether, so I guess technically Monday is Luke's first day of Kindergarten. But none-the-less today was an exciting day!! (Thanks to Yadira for watching Kaden and Gabriel for me this morning--you are such a blessing!)
Here's Luke in front of the school, how excited is he???

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