Monday, August 14, 2006

Rain, rain go away

So I realized that taking pictures of the hard rain doesn't really do it justice but you are just going to have to trust me! This was from last week when I lost my Internet (not because of this rain mind you, just happened on the same day!) It was a complete thunderstorm with thunder that shook the house and lightning that seemed to hit all around us. I HATE storms like that. If any of you have seen my sis-in-law's blog she was just remarking about how much she enjoys these lovely Florida thunderstorms, not so much with me. I still get scared, storms freak me out. Thankfully none of my boys are scared, storms don't seem to phase them. It rained almost every day last week and rained again this weekend, but no huge storms again. I much prefer sunshine. Rain rain go away, come again when you absolutely have to, but not before, thanks :)

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

ah, the joy of rain. I am fresh out of OK, so this really is a relief to not have tornados following the rain. That's what really bites! A little thunder and lightning I can live with that.