Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here's the scoop

Alrighty---I need to explain why I haven't been blogging, it certainly isn't because there hasn't been anything going on in our world. Our computer is not able to run the Internet right now, don't ask me to explain further, I have no idea. It is working fine, it just can't handle the modem or something. So we have started using Mike's new laptop. I haven't been able to find the cord-thingy to hook up our camera to the laptop so I can't download any pictures. I really hate to blog with no pics. Especially since I have lots of fun ones to put on. So here is a quick recap of events until I can figure out how to do the whole camera thing.

Kaden's birthday was wonderful, still can't believe he is 4 now. The whole St. Louis fam came over to celebrate with us. There one of my best friends from college, Becks--see her link to the side--threw a surprise pink shower for me! It was awesome. Josie got the most adorable clothes, I am so excited. So thanks to Becks for doing that for me, thanks to Niki for making the drive over from Hermann, thanks to everyone for the gifts! And also, thanks to Aunt Belva for sending cousin Aurora's clothes to Josie and to Sandy for giving us her daughters clothes, we are really blessed and Josie will be one of the best dressed babies out there :)

On the baby front, I am now 33+ weeks. Things are going perfectly. I have started Braxton-Hicks contractions very regularly, they don't hurt, just are uncomfy and you really don't need that in your last 2 months!! My OB said that she will be willing to induce on 39 weeks if everything looks fine because I have big ol' babies and I can get some rest before labor that way. I was thrilled because that means if Josie holds off till then, my Mom, Mike's Mom, my brother and his girlfriend will actually be here for her birth :) Isn't that cool? I'm pumped. So induction might take place April 9th-ish. Yippee!!

And tomorrow night the fun begins---Kaden and Luke start t-ball! How exciting is that? They are playing on the same team (4 and 5 year-olds). They are the Iron Dawgs (you know the bull dog from Tom and Jerry cartoons?--Yeah that's them!) There colors are silver and black so of course Michael went through the roof with excitement. He even ordered a jersey for himself. Cool. I really need to get the camera thing working so that I can put pics up of the boys playing.

Well, that is enough rambling. Pictures to come soon, promise!

1 comment:

connie said...

Tball will be so much fun! Not to much longer to go and you will be tripping over doll along with all of those cars!!!