Thursday, April 05, 2007

Introducing Josie Claire

On Wednesday April 4th, 2007, at 11:39 AM, weighing 8 lbs 1 oz, measuring 21 1/4 in, Ms. Josie Claire was born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is gorgeous, she is perfect. Thank you God for another glorious addition to our family.
Here is the quick, quick version. I woke up Wednesday morning at 7 am just not feeling right, I had a crampy type feeling, told Michael before he left for work that I thought something might be going on. By 8 am I was calling a friend of mine to come and watch the boys and calling Michael at work to come home to take me into the hospital. I frantically packed the bag and called various relatives. Michael and I made it to the hospital right at 9 am, I was definitely in labor. By 9:45 I had an epidural that mostly worked. I still had some pretty substantial pain but the medicine did help. My doctor arrived about 15 minutes after I was ready to push, those were a tough 6 or 8 contractions I will tell you!!! She was in the room with us for less then 10 minutes total! Josie came out on the 3rd and 4th push. It was amazing! What a blessing she is! We are both doing quite well, so well in fact that the hospital discharged us today a mere 27 hours after her birth! (yes, seriously--I have mixed feelings on this subject which I might go into on a later date) But for now Josie and I are home and taking it easy! (Michael's Mom was always supposed to drive up on Wednesday and did so, she arrived at the hospital about 8 pm to see her second granddaughter. My Mom, Jackie, and Thaddeus will still arrive on Saturday but not to a hospital visit but to an angel at home! We are so excited.) Here are some pictures for you all!!!!!


Becky said...

What a sweet girl... I can't wait to meet her. Congrats Jess and Michael!
What do the boys think? Luke looks mighty proud.
Take care of the fam and have a good time with Grandmas and uncle Thad. (Jackie too)
Happy Easter... good to talk to you Jess. Love, Becks

connie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know you guys are so excited! She is adorable, wish I was there to see her in person. I see Michael didnt even get to change clothes :) thats a girl for ya, they keep you on your toes from the beginning. Take care

Belva Jean said...

I can't wait to be there! I think she has her mama's mouth :) She reminds me of Luke only with more meat on her:)

Brittyne Fitzgerald said...

She is gorgeous. I am so proud of you and excited for you all. I can't believe they sent you home though. Really..I think I would rebelled. Just simply refused to get out of the bed. How rude of them...did they know you had three other little ones who would most likely not allow you to rest at home?? Tell all the fam hi for us...especially Thad and Jackie. Would love to see them!

Kelly said...

Jesse, you are a momma that just looks beautiful after labor holding that sweet baby. I am sooo excited for you!!! Love you all!!!