Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Cardinal Fever

I have fallen behind again in my blogging, I've got to catch up the end of May before I get into the first of June here. This week is the kiddos last scheduled week of baseball, Kaden finished last night. I have adorable pics! I just don't want to blog everything in one day that way my faithful readers (you know the 3 of you!) can have something new to read everyday! :)
Baseball season, as you know, is well underway and we are watching LOTS of Cardinals in this house. Admit it, STL fans, the Cards are doing much better then predicted this year. We just have to sit and wait for the collapse of the nasty cubs, it always happens...just wait for it.
Grandmom sent a package for the kiddos this past weekend. The boys were super excited to get new Cardinal clothes! There were books and a swimsuit for Josie (which I still haven't tried on her yet...there will certainly be photos of that!) Thanks Grandmom!
Gabriel says "It's Cardinals, Momma!" And I said "That's Fredbird on your shirt." He looks and says "No that's Cardinalbird on my shirt." He'll get there.And Ms. Josie got the biggest kick out of the post-it note name tags on the books. (sorry it's blurry)


Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Why do you have to knock my Cubbies? That's so not nice :(