Thursday, June 26, 2008


I know, I know. It's been a crazy long time since I posted. I can practically hear my Mother grumbling at me when she checks the page to find no new pics of HER babies! Sorry Momma!
Things have been crazy busy for us. And I thought summer would be laid back with nothing much to do...boy, was I wrong. Let's see, here is a quick recap. Though it didn't exist in my blog world---Michael and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary (also my nephew's happy birthday :) on the 19th of June! I cannot believe it's been 9 years. Awesome! I love ya babe! Saturday night we left the kiddos and drove over to Tulsa to see "The Phantom of the Opera"! We had the best time. We LOVE that show. I am sad I didn't get any pictures of us all dressed up that night. We were looking good!! Guess you will just have to take me at my word :)
This week the kids and I have been busy with Vacation Bible School. I am leading one of the first grade classes. We have one of the largest VBS's in the country. We have kids from entering Kindergarten to entering 6th grade and Wednesday's count was over 1300!!!! Isn't that awesome?! We have around 350-400 volunteers, it's quite an undertaking. I love playing my small part! Luke and Kaden will be singing in church on Sunday morning. I cannot wait for that. This will be Kaden's first experience with anything like that, I am curious to see how he will do.
What else? I went back to my ENT doc and he said everything in my ear looks GREAT! The skin graft has completely attached to my ear drum. I will go back in mid-July for a hearing test and then we will decide how long until I come back to get it all checked out again. My hearing has SIGNIFICANTLY improved now that the gooey gel (remember that was the doc's words) is out of my ear. I can actually hear again on my left side! It's wonderful.
I am sure there is a ton more to report but I have forgotten. I'll try and be a better poster...(while I was typing this my sis-in-law called me to complain that I haven't changed my blog and she wanted to know how our Phantom trip went...)
Here are the rest of the photos from my Granny's family day. We took the kids over to the play area all excited. Last year there was a train and a bouncing house. The kids were super excited to do that, we had all talked it up for a few days before we went to the picnic. Well, there was no bouncing house and no train. But the kids recovered well and enjoyed the few games they did have:

Here's Riley and Josie, our sweet one year old girls:Lunch time and game time were too much for my angel:

SWEET pic of Granny and Mel!!!!!!! Love it!


Belva Jean said...

Glad to read all about it (even though I did call to hear about it). Glad all is going so well.

Just a little something I noticed...Josie's hair! It is really starting to come in. It also looks a tinge red in the pics, is it like that at home?

Love ya!!

Kelly said...

Yeah!!! New blog!! I'm going to work on mine this weekend, I PROMISE!! Anyhoo...hope you loved Phantom, I got to see it in Tulsa as well...years ago that is...but probably the same theatre since they have to do all that renovation to get the chandalier in and fix the floor for the boat scene..wasn't it AWESOME!! Anyhoo...too bad you don't know anyone in Tulsa who would have loved to see you and taken you out to dinner..oh wait!!!! Hehe, I won't tell mom you were there :)
Love you!