Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation Bible Spectacular!!

Last week the kids and I were busy at church with VBS. We all had a wonderful time! Yesterday we ended it all with the kids performing a musical and then a Luau at the church. Unfortunately Gabriel started running a fever on Saturday so he, Daddy, and Josie stayed home from church and missed the celebration. I was very bummed about that!
The theme for VBS this year was Outrigger Island. Kindergarten and first grade sang two songs before the musical in both of the services. I knew that Luke would do fine, standing up in front of people never bothered him. Now Kaden I wasn't so sure about. He does not like our HUGE sanctuary with all the lights and all, it's loud and intimidating to him. I didn't know if he would sing or not. Sure enough we show up and he starts tearing up, he did NOT want to do it. I felt so bad for him. I don't want him to be so scared. There was children's church for the kiddos not preforming during the first service so he GLADLY went in there! Luke did a GREAT job singing, as I knew he would. He looks so old to me. He will be 7 on Wednesday and I am having a hard time with that! Here are some pics of him singing (orange shirt and yellow lei):

After the first service, Kaden had to come and sit with me in church. He wasn't too happy about it, saying he just wanted to go home PLEASE! A few minutes after sitting in there with me he started to relax a little. I was telling him Luke was going to sing and then we were going to watch all of the 'big' kids sing. He seemed to like that idea. When the K and 1st graders starting filing in for their songs, Kaden said "I want to try." "What?! You want to go up there?" He said "I think so. I want to try." So I quickly threw him in the line right next to Luke. He seemed to be excited. Unfortunately when they were lining the kids up they took Luke off to another line and he was on the complete opposite side of both Kaden and where I was sitting. (good thing I got to see him in the first performance!) Kaden waved at me a couple times and then the lights went out and the kiddos were spotlighted. He did not like this. He looked straight at me and got a lip. I gave him a thumbs up and prayed like crazy. Once the music started he was better, then he caught glimpses of himself on our big TVs in there and that made Kaden smile. He did a wonderful job and I am SO proud of him for just getting up there! Here are sweet K pics. In line with his brother (K has on the yellow shirt and flower lei):

Not so sure:

Warming up a bit:

In the groove:

I do have some video and I will post those tomorrow!

1 comment:

Tami J. said...

The videos of VBS are awesome. I came across your blog doing a search to find a song my daughter sang at her little music concert in preschool. It goes like this "Teach Me What Is Right, Oh God...". So, when I did an advanced search w/ those words, it brought me hear. I want to put that song on a Christian music CD I'm making for my girls and I can't find it anywhere. Do you know who sings it or wrote it or any info about it? I would be so grateful. I just opened my own blog (which doesnt have anything on it) so I could somehow send you a message. I hope you don't mind. Thanks so much and God Bless
