Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SD of the Year

Michael was awarded SD of the Year yesterday for his squadron.  (SD is for Senior Director, Michael's job on the AWACS)  I cannot tell you how proud I am of him. 
Now on a completely selfish note---this award means a lot to me as well.  I easily get upset about how much Michael is gone or how he seems to always be the go-to-guy.  I get jealous of the time he spends at work and on TDYs.  I feel like the kids and I sacrifice our husband/father so he can be away.  When Michael gets recognized this way at least I know he is appreciated at work for everything he does.  At least I know someone understands how hard he works, how seriously he takes his job and how good he is at it!  That makes it a little easier when he leaves.  But just a little.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Michael!!!
Glad to see others see how special you are.
Aunt LA

Becky said...

That's awesome Michael! Congrats! (And Jess-what a good wife to put up with him...;) !)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Michael, so proud of you and Jesse.
Your dependent Mom

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Mike. He does work hard and I am very happy the AF knows that. He is good at what he does. I love you Jesse. I know it is hard, but you are a great AF wife. Congrats to you both. Love, Mom

Kelly said...

Congrats Michael! And congrats to you too, Jesse. You provide a wonderful home for him with a wonderful family and even when he studies at home he gets it done. I love you guys and wish I got to see you more. Give him a big hug for me for his award!!!