Friday, May 05, 2006

Let's go Cardinals, let's go!!!!!

Here are some pictures to make every baseball fan smile. My boys are cheering for the Cardinals, following their Mothers lead. As soon as I turn on the game, the boys start cheering, even Gabriel starts clapping along. It is hard for Luke and Kaden to pick up the concept that sometimes the Cardinals are gray and sometimes they are white. So now it's the Cardinals wear white when they play at Grandmom's house. Let's hope their cheering brings us a winner as we are on a 4 game skid... Let's go Cardinals, let's go......yeah, I mean it, let's go and win one!!!!


Belva Jean said...

Logan's response would be "Let's go Hornets". He loves to cheer! Maybe I'll teach him to cheer for baseball now. Of course, it's the A's and the Cardinals :)

Anonymous said...

You're poor, misguided children...just wait until November, I'll have them on the Cubbies in no time!!! Just kidding, your family bleeds Cardinals, but it's still fun to try!!! -- Kelly

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.