Wednesday, July 02, 2008

S E V E N !!!!!!!

Seven?! Are you kidding me? Today is Luke's birthday, he is 7. I have a 7 year old. What?! I just can't grasp this! It's crazy! Happy Birthday Luke Thomas!
As I write this it's 8:15 in the morning and Luke is sleeping on the couch with a pretty good fever. Bless his bones. He woke up at 4 this morning and I could clearly see his bright pink lips in my dark room. I didn't even have to touch him to know he had a fever. I guess Gabe's 48-ish hour bug is going around. Kaden was a little warm yesterday. Bummer. But hopefully my kiddos will get this all out of their system seeing that in 3 weeks we leave for our wedding trip to Cali!
I haven't taken a picture of Luke today but his birthday celebration started on Monday night. We went to Red Robin (YUM) for dinner. We are members of the birthday club and so Luke received an e-mail with a free kids dinner. He was insanely excited about that. Mike had been having quite a rough time at work, just swamped with things to do and so Monday he thought a great burger would solve some problems! So off we went.
AARRRRRRGH!!! Blogger will NOT let me load pics this morning. I tried all day yesterday to post the videos of the my kids at our VBS Sunday and they wouldn't work so then I tried to load pics of us as the VBS pool party. Nope, didn't work. And today still no luck. Sorry! I'll keep trying!
Happy Birthday to my Luke!


Belva Jean said...

Happy Birthday Luke!!!!!! I still remember how we found out he had arrived...through fantasy football.

Sorry Luke's not feeling good. Maybe we'll save our phone call for a bit later.

Kelly said...

I like Belva's's mine of finding out how he was coming...(Phone call) Hey Jesse..I'm getting married!!! (let's just forget that part). Can you be in my wedding??? (small bit of silence)..."Kelly, I love you and I would do anything to be there..but I"m pregnant and due one month before the wedding." WHA!!?!?! So it's official I was the last one to find out, but you made up for it. And he is a special little guy, even if he spit up on me first time I met him, I still luv em!!! Happy Birthday!!