Monday, August 10, 2009

The 4th

So obviously still playing catch up here. I took a few pics on the 4th, most didn't come out, it's hard to snap photos of fireworks! Michael's Mom and Grandma were still here visiting us and we all spent the day at James and Belva's house. Josie was sick (she had been to the ER and had croup AND some wheezing--this nastiness would spread to both Kaden and Gabriel. They were all pretty darn sick. I thought I was going to have to postpone our trip to STL to see my brother and sis-in-law and all my fam there...but thankfully they just needed some strong meds and it all worked out fine! But man they were SICK!!!) Got a little off my subject there--back to the fourth. James and Michael had both gone a little nutso at the fireworks stand and we had plenty at the house to keep us busy. I spent probably 3/4 the time inside with Josie, she didn't need to be breathing in the smoke and it was wet and spitting on us out there. The kids had a blast and loved watching their daddies run into the rain to light the fireworks. It was a wonderful night. Here are a couple quick pics.

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