Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It happened one night....

It happened last night. Kaden-man lost his first tooth! From out of nowhere both his middle bottom teeth were crazy loose. Had no idea, don't know how that slipped passed us but none-the-less they were. I knew one of them was going to come out in a day or two, the other has not even a week. Last night Kaden decided it was time to come out. We wiggled and wiggled, he pulled it down and back with tongue, out it came! He was a little upset at first, he didn't want to have a "broken tooth". We called Grandmom right away and he was a happier camper.
The tooth fairy brought him a dollar and he was (and still is) VERY excited about this!
Can't believe my babies are growing up so fast. :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a brave boy, and what a beautiful smile!