Thursday, August 06, 2009

Seconds please!

Alright travel back in time with me again. It's still June 2009, my boys are STILL playing baseball. Even though the season was supposed to be over, it's not. Season was scheduled to be over June 12th. Luke was still playing his End of Season Tournament at that time and Kaden's didn't even START until June 25th. K-man played into July. Sorry to complain but I'm still not over it. Scheduling nightmare! Anyways...both boys' teams ended up in SECOND in their tournaments! It was wonderfully exciting! They played so well, it was so fun to watch. Lots of excited parents! And kiddos too :) First the Dirt Dawgs
Now the Yanks:
I know the pics aren't the greatest, my camera is difficult sometimes, but they're fun pics to share. The boys were so proud. So ends baseball 2009.


Kelly said...

Yeah number 11!!! That's my number!!

Jesse said...

Luke was acutally #18, it just looks like 11. But YOU just cheer on. :) Kaden was 10, that is close too :)