Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Joy of the Party

Oh sweet Josie Claire. She was a busy, busy girl at the Christmas Party. When she was out of her stroller she was on the GO! Here are some of my many attempts to get just ONE good picture of my baby in her new Christmas sweatshirt:I kept right on trying. Here is a run-by smile:At least you can kinda see her sweatshirt in that last one... Josie made it over to the obstacle course and before I could blink she was up on the tricycle. She did not take her eyes off the guy helping in the booth, not for a second! It was so funny!She sat in her stroller to eat. And eat she did. I finally was able to take a pretty cute picture of her. And yes, check out those shoes! They are hand me downs from my niece Aurora. They were her Daddy's favorite shoes I remember and I SO know why. Aren't they precious?!Josie will wear these out this holiday season! :)

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Glad you all had so much fun at the kids Christmas party! Looks like everyone had a great time.

Love the shoes! :)