Monday, May 07, 2007

Family Pride at the Zoo

The coolest picture:

Back on April 29th the fam took a trip to the OKC Zoo. Well most of the family anyways, Josie and I stayed home to do fun things like laundry and dishes :) Really I am just one of those crazy women that doesn't like to take her newborn into public especially in the hot sun for hours at a time so the two of us stayed home for some rest and quiet and it was a wonderful time for Mommy and daughter!

Daddy, Luke, Kaden, Gabriel, Grandma, Uncle James, Aunt Belva, Logan, and Aurora took off for the zoo. They had a great time and everyone was pretty tired when they got home. Mike took some good pictures of the kiddos and I wanted to share.

I LOVE this picture of Gabriel, his look is hilarious, he makes some of best faces ever! I had to post this one!
Oh and for Becky---my thoughts on who Josie looks like is Mr. Luke Thomas. They have the same mouth especially! She is just about 2 pounds bigger then he was at this age. I do have to admit though, Josie makes some completely Kaden faces and her cheeks really do look like his. Becks you'll be here in a few days and you can see for yourself!

1 comment:

connie said...

That is a great picture of all the kids together!