Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Toothfairy Cometh

I SO wasn't expecting this! Last night Luke came out of his bedroom around 9 o'clock saying he couldn't shut his mouth anymore because his tooth was gone. And there he was holding it in his hand. It really shocked me so like any worrying mother I called my mom. She was at work even! (feel free to laugh at me) I called my mom to make sure that he was old enough to lose teeth, I figured he was. And I wanted to make sure there was nothing I needed to do to the hole in his gums. Like I said, feel free to laugh. Just covering my bases. Thanks Momma for your help! I didn't even know his tooth was lose, he didn't ever say anything about it. I'm wondering if more will be coming soon.
Here's Luke putting his tooth underneath his pillow for the toothfairy:
Kaden-man wanted his picture taken too and it's just adorable I had to share:
Here is Luke with his toothfairy earnings, he is very proud:------------------------
Michael update: his e-mail is up and working now so feel free to start e-mailing him! I know he will LOVE to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

A QUARTER?? Luke Thomas is getting jipped...wait a second..I think the tooth fairy knows there are a bajillion more teeth to lose in that household and is doing her financial planning now. I'm such a nerd, I got a new Sweet Valley Twin book for my teeth :) Anyhoo..glad to hear Michael made it safely, big hugs!!!

Belva Jean said...

Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe it. You know what's funny I was just beginning to wonder when he would start losing his teeth because I was reading in my of my books and remember how once Luke teeth started coming in, they didn't stop. I guess it is about time. The boy is almost six!
We look forward to emailing Michael...I'm sure James will want to say hi.

Becky said...

Didn't he just ask us when i was visiting when he would start losing his teeth?? That's weird...
Always thinking of all of you...Take care and love,
Miss "Backy"

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Luke! This is a big day for you. Yes, this is the first of many more to come. I think a quarter is perfect for the tooth fairy to leave. If he keeps it and puts all the tooth fairy quarters together, when the last tooth comes out he will have quite a full piggy bank. Then he can take Mom out for ice cream. Love you all.