Wednesday, May 30, 2007

8 weeks of JOY

That's right my Josie is 8 weeks today! I cannot believe it. She has already changed so much. And she is growing like a weed, half of her footed pj's don't fit and today I found that a couple of her onesies barely snap! Josie's got her 2 month appointment next week, I am curious to see how much she has grown. Why does the time with newborns go so quickly :(On a more positive note, if Josie is growing up so fast then that means Michael's time away from us will go fast too, right?? Right?? (back me up on this people)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to give Josie a big hug, as a matter of fact you better hold her lots because you're not going to get much chance when you're here. I think I'll take her to work with me.

Belva Jean said...

She's gets more gorgeous by the day :) She's going to be huge the next time I see her :( Lots of hugs and kisses from me too.

I think the time will go by quicker than you think...before you know it he'll be home.

Becky said...

I can't believe it's been eight weeks already... She is as cute as can be. She's changed alot since I've been there... Wow.
Can't wait until July.

Time will fly. I don't know what happened to May... I missed it ;)
Take care and love,
Miss "Backy"

Anonymous said...

8 weeks???? Wow, how all of our lives have changed in that time. Big hugs from me..and Michael will be back in a jiff!!!
Love, Kelly