Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Combo packs

I have so many pictures that I want to share and yet I am taking more photos everyday so I figured the only way to post everything is to start combining days. I have to first finish up from stuff in OKC before I move onto things we have done here at home in STL. So here we go:
Luke was in VBS all the last week of June, then on July 1st the kiddos sang at church (in both services). Luke did a great job, he mouthed half the songs but belted out the other half. He is so funny to watch. I got his picture when he was on the big screen in the sanctuary, he is pretty proud of that! When I get home the church will be able to make a copy of the service for us on DVD, that's pretty cool, then Daddy can see him sing!

In St. Louis now: here are a couple more pics from our day at the park (last Tuesday) with some of the Gienke fam. Check out Sam's static hair--that's awesome!

Last Thursday night my Momma and I got to go to a Cardinal game together! We had so much fun. Thanks to Samantha, Granny, Uncle Todd, and Aunt LeeAnn for the part you played in watching my 4 kiddos (yep, left Josie) so that we could do this. Usually it's my Mom that stays with the kids so I can go out so it was really wonderful to be out with her alone. We enjoyed a Cards WIN and some really yummy nachos supreme, which I should have gotten a picture of. (Belva Jean, you would have LOVED them) This is the view from our seats, NOT too shabby.

Okay only one more photo for today. We brought Michael's deployment chain with us and I hung it up in Mom's dining room. So here is where we stood when we got here. I will take a picture in a while so you can see it shorten. We're at day 49 by-the-way.Look back soon, I'll have LOTS more fun photos for you.

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