Monday, July 02, 2007

Luke is 6!!!!!!

Can you believe how time flies? Luke Thomas is already 6 years old! WOW, this Momma is in shock! He's come a long way from the little preemie baby he once was. Here's pictures of my first baby boy and all his happy, happy birthdays! Born July 2nd, 2001, at 7:02 AM in Panama City, Florida. First and second birthdays in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Third birthday in Panama City, 4th b-bay in St. Louis sharing it with the Cardinals. Fifth birthday back in Florida, and for his 6th birthday we are spicing things up a bit. He will start it in Oklahoma City but we will be driving today and so end his happy day in St. Louis!

Happy Birthday to you, our sweet boy. I know that Daddy wishes he could be here with you to share it! We love you so very much. Hope your day is as happy as happy can be!


Kelly said...

Happy Birthday Big Brother Luke Thomas!!! Wish I was there to give you all hugs..and partake in cake, of course. Love you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Have a wonderful day wherever you may be!!