Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Century Mark

For those of you who aren't counting, today is #100 of my deployment and it's been a good one. We are doing amazing things over here and unfortunately the news only reports the negative aspects of the conflict. Anyway, there is a song by 3 Doors Down called "Here Without You" that Jess and I like. The opening line talks about how he has been away from his girlfriend for 100 days and the rest of the song is about their time apart. Naturally I compared it to our situation with minor exceptions. I tried to put it on the blog but it wouldn't let me. If you don't know the song I recommend you check it out. I want to thank all of you who have prayed for and supported us over here. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope to see you soon. Jess, I love you.



Jeanne said...

thank you both for the sacrifice that you make to protect our freedom.

you continue to be in my prayers!

god bless,

Kelly said...

LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!! Thank you, be safe, and see you soon!!!