Thursday, February 07, 2008

Done with 4!

Happy Birthday to our Kaden-man! He is 5 years old today! As he says "I'm 5 and just done with 4!" I cannot believe it!
Kaden was born completely naturally (I am WOMAN...), NOT by choice and boy did it hurt! But he was totally worth it. In the room with me I had Michael, my Momma, Aunt Belva, and Kelly. Thank you guys for being there! Great Granny was at home watching Luke and cousin Logan for us. Kaden was named by looking through a baby name book my Mom got at her store. Michael asked me what letter I wanted and me thinking that was not a big deal got little sarcastic with him and said "K". He found Kaden and we all liked it. And the middle name was a no-brainer, Thaddeus for my wonderful brother. So Feb 7th, 2003 we welcomed in little boy number 2, Kaden Thaddeus. Born in Oklahoma, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd birthdays in Florida, 4th and 5th back here in OK!


Becky said...

Happy Birthday Kaden-Man!!
Can't believe you're five!!!!
Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Harmons!
Happy B-Day K!

Tell Kaden that Sam said hi!!

Sam G.