Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Lil' Baller

Luke has been playing Upward Basketball at our church and he loves it! He is by far one of the smallest ones out there, the league is K to 2nd grade. It amazes me how quickly he picks up sports. He's just like his Uncle Thaddeus---let's all start praying now he stays away from rugby...(right Jackie? :)
Here's some cute pics. The kiddos wear colored bands to know who they are guarding:
Luke getting some defensive instruction from his Daddy at the half:
Luke taking those instructions to the court---look at that! D-Fence!! Everybody cheer! D-Fence!!
You can barely make out Luke's head here (they're in blue obviously), this was his shot. Pretty good!
I am so proud of him. He LOVES being part of a team. Luke always cheers for his teammates and encourages everyone--even the other team. This attitude is being fostered by the Upward sports program. Thank you to those who started it. Love you!
One more thing---Ms. Kelly---his team is none other then the Penguins!!! :)

1 comment:

Kelly said...