Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Hoppy Easter!

Happy Easter! What a celebration! Jesus is ALIVE! We had a wonderful holiday! We went to church in the morning then over to a friends house for lunch, which turned into staying for dinner and then staying until after bedtime! What a joyous time.
I know that I have TONS to catch up on so I am going to start with Easter and then work backwards until I get back up to the present. At least that is the current plan. We will see how that goes...
Saturday afternoon, the eye-dyeing fun:
Easter morning! After a quick bath, it was time to search for the baskets hidden by that sneaky Easter Bunny. The boys were thrilled with their candy and presents!
Josie loved her present too, the Easter Bunny didn't leave her any candy in her basket...what a smart rabbit, he knew that Josie's Mommy would eat her candy and that wouldn't work so well with Mommy's diet. Good move Bunny-man. :)
Josie Claire was the first to find an egg in the egg hunt, it was sitting in her highchair! The boys RAN to find all the eggs. What's with kids and egg hunts?! Too fun!
And here is one more picture of Josie, just because she is gorgeous! Wait till you see her in her Easter dress--those photos are coming next!

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Glad you all had a wonderful Easter :)