Tuesday, March 04, 2008

(pause) "These go to 11."

My sweet baby angel girl is 11 months old today! I cannot hardly believe it! She has been such a joy and I cannot imagine my life without her. Here are some adorable pictures of her taken today. This is her bunny that I bought her at Affair of the Heart when my cousin Mel was here back in Feb. It is the softest, cutest thing ever! The photo doesn't do it justice, just ask Melanie! I was so excited because I have never bought anything like that before! Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE having a baby girl?!Tomorrow we go in for Josie's last (hopefully) gastro doc appointment. We are checking her weight again, which I know she has gained quite a bit, and also talking about switching her over to real milk. I'll let you know how it goes.
How bout for the rest of the craziness?! Well it has calmed down a bit, Kaden's t-ball game was supposed to be Mon, was canceled because it was SNOWING and is tonight---nope, just got an e-mail, it now is tomorrow. So tomorrow both boys have games at 7:25 (they go to bed at 7:30, anyone else see an issue with this?!). I have to go and get both their uniforms tonight and buy them some under armor shirts to go with them. I guess Luke can now go to basketball practice this evening since there is no t-ball. My schedule is nothing if not insane!!! Michael gets home Friday--come on Friday!!!! I need some back-up around here!
Bonus points to those of you who can name the "title quote" movie.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Happy 11 months old, Josie!!

She's certainly is adorable.

Bonus: it's Spinal Tap... I think... that or a Monty Python.

it made me laugh out loud...

Happy Snow day from STL... I get to leave work early... oops should I be on blogger?...at work... oops.

Love you lots. Becks