Monday, March 31, 2008

LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to write to you about our sermon at church yesterday. About how we started a series on the seven deadly sins. Anger was yesterday's sin. I was going to tell you about the kind of break-through I had. Let you know that I realized most of my anger is rooted in my own selfishness. If I can work through those issues, I will gain more patience and be the better mother and wife I strive to be. I had a long and winded way to inform you of all of this. But it all has changed because of Joe's post from yesterday! Yes--to the right there go to my links and go to Joe's blog and watch the video he posted "Laughter is the Best Medicine" (dated March 30th) It is amazing, wonderful, and instantly brought me to tears! What an amazing God we have, what a blessing he has sent that family! Thank you God for laughter.

(okay--here is the side note for the few of you that read this blog and don't know who Joe is, everyone else--GO AND WATCH THE VIDEO and celebrate with them! I actually don't know Joe, I have never met him, but I do know his wife Laura (link above his) Laura is my age and grew up in church with my cousins. Since I have always gone home to St. Louis for visits I have known Laura since junior high, if not before. In fact most people on my links are special people from the Mid-County Youth Group. I am blessed to know them, they have touched my life in a very special way. Anyways, Laura and Joe's son was born with many medical difficulties and has gone through an unbelievable hard time in his little life. I became addicted to reading Joe's blog and praying for little Ira as so many have. Ira has made leaps and bounds this year already and we all marvel at God's answer to prayer. I promise this family will touch your lives and your heart. Now go, watch that video and cherish the laughter! Praise God!!!)

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