Thursday, March 13, 2008

Luke's first and last game (AND seconds)

When we got up Saturday morning it was mad rush trying to get all the different uniforms, coats, and undershirts to take with us for our day o'sports. We first headed over to church for Luke's last basketball game! He had such a great time. He loved playing basketball. His coach told me that if Luke stays with it he will be a great player, she said he had improved so much over the season and he is just naturally talented. That was kinda nice to hear, I have to admit :) Luke is a very coachable boy, he listens and does what is asked of him. It's awesome! At halftime we left basketball and headed over to t-ball. First and foremost--Luke's a TIGER! That is obviously SO much easier to cheer for then the Yanks like Kaden-man! (Yeah, I know, not really black and gold Tigers but Tigers just the same!) Luke had a great first game. He sat the first 2 innings and cheered on his team even though he was freezing to death! Then he finished with 2 hits while playing centerfield, check out this technique:His batting helmet was much too big and that is why he is holding it, but notice he is watching his 3rd base coach for signs. This kid just 'gets' sports, it's very exciting to watch him!

Here's a pic of poor Kaden-man trying to eat his snack after his game was over. It wasn't too long after this photo that I loaded up Kaden, Gabriel, and Josie and took them to the car to wait for Luke's game to finish. Bless his bones, he was SO cold!We came home from the games, thawed out a bit and then welcomed Daddy home! The boys got some presents from him (Josie was sleeping at this point). They were thrilled with them, Disney doesn't ever disappoint in this house!

Michael was pretty wiped out but we were SO happy to have him home. Kaden and Luke had games Saturday afternoon at the same time again. I took them and left Daddy with the 2 little ones. Here they are:

Luke's number 26 by-the-way, he chose it because it's his Momma's favorite number! Isn't that sweet?! :) There will be many more t-ball pics to come, the season runs to July. Go Harmon boys!

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