Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All Too Soon

For those of you that don't already know, yesterday Michael deployed again. He left for a 4-ish month deployment over to the Middle East. This came too quickly for me. He hasn't been home a year yet (remember he returned in Sept of last year) We all are doing okay right now but check back with me this weekend! The situation doesn't feel real to me yet. Michael didn't leave with his squadron at the bast like last year. Yesterday we drove and dropped him off at the airport, just like we have done when he's left for 3 or 4 days. This summer we have been totally obsessed with my brother's wedding (WHICH WAS AWESOME!!!!!!) and our trip to California that the fact Michael was leaving in early August kinda slipped by us all. I have a feeling though it will catch up to me soon. It's so hard when you husband is gone. There are so many emotions you have to fight through. There are good days and bad days, for me and for the kids. I am just now starting to realize that these things are in store for my family once again. The one thing I hold onto is how proud I am of Michael. He is an incredible officer and is so committed and amazing at his job. He 100% believes in what our military, our country is doing now. He has such an important job and I know that he will do everything he can to help protect us here at home. Michael does not like to miss out on his family, he does not enjoy being away from us but he does understand the importance of his sacrifice. He knows that he can help, support, and love us through what he does to support the mission across the world. I am so proud of you Michael! I am in awe of our military and what they proudly sacrifice to go and do what is right. Please say a prayer for all those deployed and those getting ready to go. I know that many of your probably don't have much contact with military families because of where you live. Just remember we have been fighting these wars since 2002, families are separated and united many times, please lift them up today. Thank you.
Alrighty, PICTURE time. I wanted to get a good photo of Daddy with his kiddos, here are my attempts:

What cute kids are those!!! Next I wanted a picture of my hubby and I. The boys helped with this. Here is Luke's pic: (yes, I cropped a bit...)Not too shabby. Here is Kaden's try:Next, was Gabriel's shot:He tried! Mom made the picture at least! He was so proud of himself.

Michael saying good-bye to the kiddos. I cannot explain to you how precious these hugging pictures are to me. They are such a comfort when Michael is gone. Josie just smiled and laughed at her Daddy, she loves him so.

One last shot of Daddy saying good-bye when we got to the airport. Fitting that it was raining...I did a pretty good job of holding it together, of course I cried but I didn't bawl. That was a huge step for me. Luke had a hard time and REALLY cried all the way home. "But I don't want my Daddy to leave." "Why does his work need him to be somewhere else?" I was pretty teary and Kaden kept saying "Don't cry Mom. Please don't cry. I don't want to cry, please don't cry." Gabriel didn't say much of anything, just watched Luke. And Josie, sweet baby, just "DaDa DaDa"-ed ALL THE WAY HOME. We love you and miss you already Daddy. Stay safe! We'll be praying!


Belva Jean said...

Darn it all...I'm tearing up now. Just so you know we love you all and miss you much. The kids say the sweetest prayers as they ask for families to be blessed that are away from their families. I'll be checking in on you and if you need me sooner, just let me know.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

Love you so much. I'm crying, too.
We'll be praying. Let us know if you need anything! I say skip a Thursday and Friday of school (after all, it is just the beginning!) and come see us.
Aunt LeeAnn

Brittyne Fitzgerald said...

Just letting you know that I did pray for you today. I can't imagine how hard this is for a mom of 4! You are braver, more patient, and alot more gracious than I am...I admire you! Hang in there!

Mark and Emma said...

That makes three crying readers:( I wonder who it's harder on: you, the kids, or Michael. We will be praying for you guys. Hang in and know that in those really sad moments...I tell good jokes:) Just give me a ring:)

Dan, Kellie & Kiddos said...

Hey there - you've been tagged - go read my blog! Happy typing!

Oh, and now I am crying with you too - for you, but more because I am so proud of Michael, but also of your whole family and your support for each other! We hope he comes home soon & safe!