Monday, August 18, 2008

Dancing machines

Thought it was about time to share my kids' skills. I caught 3 of them on video showing off their stuff. Gabriel starts it off with some dancing at Uncle Thad and Aunt Jackie's wedding, Kaden joins in the fun:

Next we have Kaden reprising his craziness at the wedding reception to one of Aunt Jackie's favs, MJ's Billie Jean:

Josie closes it with Smooth. She was really dancing but her brothers running around kinda upset her groove but she sure is cute to look at!

Aren't they just too fun?! I'll have to post one of Luke soon. I put on my IPOD in the kitchen while I "make" dinner (did you like that honey?!), it's on while we eat, and then I turn it up for clean up time. That is when we get down. GOOD STUFF!!!

By-the-way, my toilet is fixed now. :)

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Way too cute!!