Monday, October 06, 2008

For the record

As I've talked to some of my family members this weekend I have come realize that the pictures of Luke and his broken arm are a little scary. I guess it seemed as if I was some crazy blogger chicka that snapped the pics so I could post them later. THAT SO IS NOT TRUE. I need to clarify what happened. Right after Luke broke his arm in my crazy-freaked out mind I thought the doctor would need to see what his arm looked like right after it happened. I was afraid that as soon as we tried to move him his hand would become completely detached from the bones inside and be flopping at the end of his arm. I know this all sounds silly but that was what my mind was saying. "Take a picture so the doc can see what it looked like when I found him." That is why I took the photo and that is why I took the camera to the hospital, to show the doc. I didn't think "oh great, what a cool thing to blog about". I promise! Please don't think of me that way!
Luke is doing just great! He has hardly had any pain at all. Praise God for that! We will go in on Wednesday to get him his permanent cast and I probably WILL take my camera there for a blogging opportunity! :)

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

I so don't think of you that way. I still can't believe you would have the foresight to even think of taking pictures for the dr., just in case.

Love you Jess and I am so missing you guys and wish we could be there (or at least closer)