Monday, April 27, 2009


The boys had their school carnival on Friday night. We were actually able to go as a complete family! (course that meant that Gabriel didn't go to his baseball game---shhhh, don't tell him, he doesn't know he missed it!) We had a really great time. There was a petting zoo:
Josie loved looking at the animals. She was literally squealing with delight! Everyone around thought she was the cutest thing and of course she was :) Daddy tried to help her touch the animals and yeah, not-so-much. That upset Josie. A lot. Look, but DON'T TOUCH apparently. We headed off to play games. Here's the kiddos taking us down the hallway:
Kaden and Gabriel doing the "pop walk", Gabe just won!
Ball toss:
I called "Josie, smile for Momma!" and this is what I got:
Hmmmm. Not much of a smile. After working the games we had a quick pizza dinner in the cafeteria while we watched the auction for the desserts and bid on some silent auction baskets. We ended up winning one of our baskets, Looney Tunes DVD's, lots of popcorn and movie candy. Yum! :) Up next was the "pie in the face" auction. Last year we won the bidding so Luke could put a pie in his Kindergarten teachers face. Would the boys get to do the same this year?! You'll have to wait and see but I'll tell you I have lots of fun pics to share :)
Here are our cowboys on the way out the door:

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