Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Josie's Cake by Daddy

Michael made Josie's birthday cake this year. I bought the 'springtime' Pillsbury cake and icing from the commissary. It was pretty cute and pretty good. We had Josie's cake early Sunday afternoon right before Michael had to leave and Luke's baseball tournament started. I lit the candles and Michael carried the cake to Joce. She was NOT happy. Once she saw those candles Josie was desperate to get down from her seat. We finished singing and her Daddy just blew the candles out quickly for her. Josie was REALLY upset, crying like crazy. I have a video of it but blogger doesn't seem to want to load videos for, sorry about that. I do have one pic of her upset:

She had already started calming down because the candles were gone. Her next move?
Yeah, that's my girl. Yummy cake. She put her hands right in the top of it. I'm glad she was excited for that part. Here's the fam and the cake:
Gorgeous baby:
Josie enjoying her Daddy's labors:

And are you ready for some of the cutest pictures ever?! Here they are:
Josie is such a sweet, sweet baby. Look at her beautiful hair, Grandmom I know you are loving it!! I am still overjoyed at having a girl. Every night when I lay her in bed and each morning when I lift her out of the crib I thank God for my angel Josie Claire. Happy 2nd Birthday sweetheart!

Oh yes, we went to the doc yesterday and Josie was 25 1/2 pounds and 33 1/2 inches. She is now ON the growth chart, right between 15 and 20%, we're SO excited! Way to go big girl!!! :)

1 comment:

Belva Jean said...

Those are the most precious smiles!

Good job on the cake dad :)