Sunday, January 07, 2007


Here are some ultrasound photos of Josie Claire. I decided not to put ALL of them on here, but if more are requested...well, what can I do? Enjoy!

Here is Josie looking almost directly at you, you can see that mouth of hers :) How sweet. Her arm is next to her head.

This is how Josie spent most of the ultrasound, with her toes on top of her head, completely bent in half. Isn't that amazing?
Here she has her fist at her head and you can see her profile.
And TA-DA : here is the money shot! Mike didn't want me to post this one but I think everyone needed to see the 100% no doubt view. This way Grandmom can rejoice for sure :)
Doesn't that look like a big foot? No wonder I feel that thing kicking me!!!


James E. Miller said...

What a beautiful girl! Those are pretty incredible pictures. It truly is a miracle...

How far along are you?

Thanks for sharing the photos!


connie said...

YEAH!!!! I am so excited for you guys! She has her own guards already.