Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Angel Gabriel

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!!!!!!!
My sweet Gabriel turns 2 today. I went into labor on the way to the hospital for his induction, he was almost a week late but he was definitely worth the wait! Michael, Mom, and Mom-in-law were in the delivery room with us. I actually got an epidural and it worked, I was in heaven, having Gabriel was easy! He has always been such a beautiful baby and lives up to his angel name. We LOVE you Gabriel Todd.
A few minutes old:

First birthday:

This morning joined by his big brothers:

A huge smile for his Momma:

I'm gonna take this one!!!

Grandmom's present is a hit!

New dinosaurs from Grandma and Great Grandma Short and check out my haircut from Thursday:

A new Cars racetrack, cool:


More pictures to come later when we have his cupcakes. We ended up cancelling his party because of our bad weather but I am so thankful because we can celebrate as a complete family, Mike missed Gabriel's first birthday, so it makes today doubly sweet!!!


Belva Jean said...

Happy Birthday!! I can't believe you're two1 Time flies when you're having fun! Enjoy your day!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Gabriel! Wow, has it really been two years? Hope you had a very special b'day. Can't wait to see you all in Feb. Take care and love to you.
"Aunt" Becks ;)