Saturday, June 16, 2007

The late, late game

Last night we had a t-ball game that started at 8:20!!! Remember these are 4 and 5 year olds. My boys go to bed at 8, so I knew this would be interesting. Everyone did well actually, even Gabriel did (once I let him out of the stroller). The second to last batter of the game the ump asked our coach if he wanted to continue playing, he said sure let's do it. So the Red Dragons line-up went around again and then our team hit for the 3rd time. What a game to extend. We didn't finish until 9:30 or so. By the time I got the kiddos home and bathed (oh yes, had to do that, it had rained for 2 1/2 days straight and everyone was muddy and dirty---look at Gabriel's face for crying out loud!!), it was 10:20 when my boys went to bed! We shall see how they do far, so good.

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