Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Woe is van

Though this isn't my actual van, this is probably what it looks like right about now. The van woes continue. We have spent a TON on our van already this summer and I'm now adding to the total. Ugh. My van overheated on Saturday, had no coolant in it what-so-ever, the boys t-ball coach came over with antifreeze on Sunday and I have been driving ever so cautiously without the A/C on (that is terrible!), not going far or anything. So today my GREAT friend Michelle and I took my van (along with the 4 kiddos) and dropped it off with the people who just fixed our whole A/C unit basically. The guys are really wonderful and I like them a lot. He just called to tell me that my radiator is completely shot. So since May I basically have a new transmission, new A/C stuff, and now a new radiator. He apologized that I had been 'hit' once again but then laughed and said that my engine looks great and it will last. Let's all pray for that shall we. I was so excited for this summer, we are actually paying off the van however, the cost of all these repairs adds up to more then 6 more payments, and all in lump sums. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Oh well, it's cheaper then a new van, right Mel? (she was here and talked me through the A/C issue). Oh well, such is life! (especially when Mike is gone!)
So on to happier things:
Here is Ms. Josie Claire in her 'going-home' outfit, that is only going to fit her for a little longer, she is getting so big! She was smiling and kicking her legs for me. What a gorgeous baby!!!
It's funny, every time I post a new picture of Josie I can just hear my Momma's reaction to it. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, how cute!!!" That always makes me smile.
And Luke Thomas was more then thrilled to take off the number 20 link off Daddy's deployment chain Monday night. We have every 5th link numbered and Luke gets excited when they have numbers on them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All cars must have their annual up keep and your just hit all at once. Keeping them in running condition is a must these days as the new ones cost too much and loose too much value the day you drive them off the lot. You are doing great Jesse!!