Thursday, July 10, 2008

And More VBS

(Yes, more catch up, can you believe it?!) As I have said time and time again on the blog, we had a wonderful VBS this year! The total enrollment was over 1800 kids and the highest day of attendance was around 1340! Awesome! Our church had rented out the city pool for Thursday and Friday night for the kids and their families that attended at least 3 days of VBS. We didn't make it to Thursday's pool party because (randomly) Kaden's t-ball team was taking pictures that night (yeah, a month after the season ended...) But Friday we went and had lots of fun. The boys were so excited. They LOVE being in the pool. Josie is still not a big fan. I hope that changes over the next few weeks as it seems we will be swimming a lot on our California trip! The highlight of the parties was our Children's Ministry leader, he walked on water both nights! Don't worry, you'll see how, I took pictures! The kids all got a huge kick out of that, you can imagine. On Thursday some 700 people came to the pool and Friday the total was around 400. What a great opportunity to reach people! Here are my pics from the night:
What an adorable baby she is! On the Sunday morning where the kids performed their VBS musical we had just under 2000 people at both services! Isn't that wonderful?! After the musicals the church hosted a luau, a free lunch for anyone associated with VBS. That was a huge hit! The gym was open for play and they had put some inflatables up for the younger kids. Luke and Kaden are younger and so they spent all their time playing there. There were 94 kiddos that attended VBS that made a decision for Christ (yeah!!!) and our church is now meeting with these kids and their families, lives are being transformed and I am excited about that! VBS 2008 was a rousing success!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God for the wonderful way He worked through your VBS!
Aunt LA