Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Let us eat cake.

We got Luke's cake on his actual birthday but because the kids were sick we didn't start eating it until the 4th. But it was worth the wait! That cake was pretty good! It didn't last too long, Mike and I finished it off last night. Yum :)
We went in this morning for Luke's well child check. He weighed 43 pounds and was 3 feet 10 1/2 inches. He is quite proud of that even though I know it doesn't really know what that means. He had to get a chicken pox booster and wasn't so happy getting a shot but did a GREAT job! I was very proud of him. Alrighty, back to the cake:
Okay that is totally embarrassing, my nasty, dirty, pizza covered table. Uh, it was Mike's job to clear of the table for the cake. Oops. Just look at my sweet boy instead! (PLEASE!)

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