Sunday, July 06, 2008

Faith like a child

I have so much to catch up on, we are doing something blog worthy almost every day right now. But real quick I am going to play catch up from VBS. I was able to load the videos of the kids singing and I know you will like to see them (or most of you will anyways :)


There are a lot of times I find myself praying to be like a child. To be able to have a strong faith and not to let the outside world affect my feelings on God. Not to let my circumstances make me question His plan. Our pastor always says that children have a simplistic and real view of Christianity. They really do take everything on faith and can believe whole-heartedly. I do think that as adults we start to make things complicated and they need not be so. Here are some of the lyrics to the songs my kiddos sang all week during vacation bible school. These songs spoke to me not just as catchy-cute children's songs but as TRUTH.

"Teach me what is right, Oh God. Teach me what is right, Oh God. And I will do it. I will do it. Teach me what is right."

"I've got some good news for you. I've got some good news for you. God sent Jesus His only Son because He loves everyone. And that's good news for me and you!"

"No one else is like Jesus. No one else can do what He does. He can heal us. He can help us. No one else can love like Jesus."

"God is good, God is real. God loves me and He is always will. God is good to everyone, He gave the world His only Son."

The lines are simple and yet how deep are they?! Reread them. They are powerful!!!


I am so proud of my boys for singing in front of the church. There were just shy of 2000 people there for the 2 services (2 VBS performances)!!! That is truly awesome! I know God can do a mighty work with that!

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